Friday, February 12, 2016


Hey everyone!

Wow I can't believe how quickly the 20th is approaching! We managed to find an apartment near the Queen's University, which is only a little over a mile from my volunteering location. I will be volunteering at the Royal Ulster Rifle's Museum, and I am extremely excited to start there! The museum's focus is on the Royal Ulster Rifle Regiment, which was a part of the British Army from the late 18th century until 1968. The museum specifically covers the time between 1793 and 1968. The regiment participated in some of the most famous battles in British Army history, such as the Normandy Campaign in 1944. I start there on Tuesday the 23rd of February, and I am eagerly anticipating that day.

I have bought some equipment for my trip, including a camera and a voice recorder. I intend to take as many photos as I can, and hope that you enjoy them! The voice recorder sounds crystal clear, and I believe that I will be able to bring you many exciting and informative interviews. I believe that interviewing the locals will be one of the most fascinating aspects of this project, as they will really be able to provide a firsthand perspective of the situation in Northern Ireland. They're also much more personal and intimate than surveys, and I hope than I will be able to provide you with an interesting and exciting overview of the views that the people of Northern Ireland have.

Another interesting thing to note is that I am staying only about a mile south of the Falls Road, a staunchly Catholic neighbourhood in Belfast. Just north of the Falls Road is the Shankill Road, a staunchly Protestant neighbourhood. This is one of the most prominent sectarian divides in Belfast, and I am so excited that it is within walking distance from where I am staying.

Anyways, I will send my next update when I arrive in Northern Ireland!

-Luke van Reede van Oudtshoorn


  1. This is quite the project! Your enthusiasm and passion for history really shine through. I'm looking forward to hearing about your interviews and experiences with local culture, which is always an important aspect of foreign travel.

    I'm interested to know what kinds of questions you will pose to interviewees and how you will integrate them into your project.

    Happy (and safe) travels!

  2. Hi Luke! I am so excited for your travels throughout Ireland! Sounds like you'll be situated in the perfect neighborhood for interviewing locals. Will you be staying in a hostel? Also, does the Royal Ulster Museum target its exhibits towards certain demographic groups?

    1. Hey! We actually managed to find a cheap apartment by the Queen's University, so I'll be staying there. I don't believe the museum targets its exhibits towards anyone other than targeting those interested in military history. It in located in the city centre which I know is not a very divided part of the city, the working class suburbs are where the sectarian divides are. But I can't be certain as of this moment, so I'll update you on this when I get there.

    2. Luke: What a great opportunity for you to purse a personal interest up close like this. I am only sorry that I won't get to see the final product when your SRP is concluded. Document and share this enthusiasm with all who follow your experience on line and get to see your presentation. Good luck.

  3. Luke, this sounds like some intense stuff. I think your choice of location is prime, but just make sure you don't get attacked. Safe travels!

  4. The museum you will be working at sounds amazing. I can't wait to hear some of the interviews with the locals..I agree with you that they would be a lot more insightful (and interesting) than surveys. Your mention about the sectarian divide seems really fascinating too.. I wonder what it would be like to stay in a place like that, where the disparity is so tangible?

    As I've never been to Ireland before, I really look forward to seeing your pictures and hope that I can glean some of the culture there through your cool project. Have a safe flight!!

  5. Luke,

    This sounds great. I look forward to your travels and updates once you arrive and get situated in Ireland!

    - Mr. Hirsch
